Third newsletter – charity status and meet the committee

THVH logo, a black roof outline on green and purple text reading THVH in capitals is in the background, with a black box outline and grey overlay reading The THVH Newsletter and the date and issue number at the top

An update from us

You may have noticed that little number in the corner of our header image. That’s right - we’re officially a registered charity!

As of 15 June 2023, Temple Herdewyke Village Hall became an official charity, registered with the Charity Commission - number 1203587. We’re now looking to set up other things that will enable us to function as a fully fledged charity and begin working with architects and builders.

An update from site

The area surrounding the car park is now level and beginning to grow some ‘greenery’, and you’ll soon see play equipment being installed. As we mentioned in our last newsletter, this has been arranged by the developer.

Now we are a proper charity, we are starting to reach out to architects to begin planning the hall and how it could work in the space. To give you an idea of what we’re working with, check out the photos above taken by Dan, our Chair.

Meet your committee

Did you know that the THVH Committee is made up of 6 volunteers? Read on to learn more about them, as we introduce the next three members!

Meet the THVH Committee: a photo of Rory in a polaroid frame with his name underneath. My role on the committee:  I am the treasurer for the village hall and so will be responsible for the finances and financial reporting of the charity! Working in finance, it made sense for me to volunteer to help the charity in this capacity and I can’t wait for the project to really begin. Hobbies and interests:  I love sports and being active. In my spare time you can usually find me on a golf course somewhere, although I spend more time looking for my ball than playing! My Best Kebab order:  Mixed meat and chips with garlic mayo
Meet the THVH Committee: a photo of Jess in a polaroid frame with her name underneath. My role on the committee:  Working in marketing and comms, my main role is to help with our social media and newsletter, as well as being one of the charity trustees. I'm always up for a chat about reptiles, birds, or any ideas you have for the hall, and can often be found litterpicking around the village. A fun fact about me: I have 12 piercings! My Best Kebab order: Chicken meat, chips, all the salad, garlic mayo
Meet the THVH Committee: a photo of James in a polaroid frame with his name underneath. My role on the committee: As the only 'non-resident' committee member, my role is to provide a link to the Parish Council, where I am Chair, and to Northend village hall, where I am treasurer. I have been involved in renovating houses, including The Old School in Northend and the current refurbishment of Northend village hall, so hopefully can provide useful experience and lessons learnt as we build a village hall for the TH community. Hobbies and interests: I'm very interested in the First World War and also nature and the environment - 2022 saw us create a wild pond in our garden that is  slowly being colonised by various creatures! My Best Kebab order: During the house renovation, camping in an outbuilding, my regular  order was chicken meat and chips!

Our next newsletter

Look out for the next edition, in which we hope to be able to share more exciting updates as things progress!

Remember to share our Facebook page with your friends and family and get them to sign up to our mailing list so we can spread our news far and wide.

Q: How do I get involved?

A: If you have a skill, business or interest that you think would be useful in contributing to the building or ongoing success of the hall, please get in touch. Donations of goods, services, skills or funds are gratefully received. Once the hall is built, we will also be looking for volunteers to help run events.

Q: How can I stay up-to-date with progress on the hall?

A: Sign up to receive our newsletter, like and follow the Facebook page ‘Temple Herdewyke Village Hall’ or email:

Got a question that’s not answered here? Let us know.