Sixth newsletter – long overdue update

THVH logo, a black roof outline on green and purple text reading THVH in capitals is in the background, with a black box outline and grey overlay reading The THVH Newsletter and the date and issue number at the top

A new year and new progress

We may have been quiet for the first half of this year, but rest assured there’s been plenty going on behind the scenes! Scroll down to find out more.

A lot has happened since our last update

  • Stratford District Council have now received the monies from Mulberry Homes, after a long delay. The land transfer is still being worked out, but we’ll update you on this as soon as we can.

  • Although the land transfer (from Mulberry to Burton Dassett Parish Council) has not yet happened, we are planning to submit our village hall planning application shortly. We’ve been gathering the necessary information and documents, and have had surveys carried out including geological and topographical.

  • The contract for building the village hall will be going out to tender in the next few weeks, so we will soon have some quotes from builders to review.

Villagers sit relaxing in the sunshine on green grass with their families and neighbours.

Play park queries

The play equipment was installed this time last year, organised by Mulberry Homes. Unfortunately it is still not open, and we’ve had no further information about the soil condition being improved or the safety testing. Rest assured, as soon as we know about an opening date, we’ll let you know via our Facebook page!

In the meantime, you can email Mulberry to ask what their plans are: It would be nice for the park to be open for the local children to use during the school summer holidays.

Kitchener points to the reader, with the words 'Your village hall needs you!' written in white capitals.

Join the committee

We’re on the look out for new committee members! If you’re interested, you can find out more about who you’ll be working with on our Facebook page or by having a read of our previous newsletters.

We’re all volunteers, and meet regularly on Tuesday evenings. Absolutely no experience is required. If you want to know more, drop us a line:

Our next newsletter

Look out for the next edition and remember to share our Facebook page with your friends and family. Get them to sign up to our mailing list so we can let more people know a new community asset is on its way!