Fourth newsletter – architect update and playpark

THVH logo, a black roof outline on green and purple text reading THVH in capitals is in the background, with a black box outline and grey overlay reading The THVH Newsletter and the date and issue number at the top

An update from us

We may have been quiet for a couple of months, but rest assured there’s been plenty going on in the background! Scroll down to find out more.

Have you spotted the playpark?

The area surrounding the car park is now level and beginning to grow some ‘greenery’, with the play equipment having been installed in July. As we mentioned in our second newsletter, this was arranged by the developer. It is a shame we can’t use it yet, but it must first be tested for safety. Keep an eye on our Facebook page and in future editions for details on the opening.

We’ve appointed an architect!

We’re pleased to announce that after a tendering process, we appointed Aegis Consultancy Group in early September. Paul Hurley from Aegis met with the committee at the site earlier this month and is working on some provisional drawings. Paul has been really engaged with us from our early Facebook requests for architect support, and its great to have him on board. Look out for more design news coming soon!

Kitchener points to the reader, with the words 'Your village hall needs you!' written in white capitals.

Join the committee

We’re on the look-out for new committee members! If you’re interested, you can find out more about who you’ll be working with on our Facebook page or by having a read of our previous newsletters.

We’re all volunteers, and meet regularly on Tuesday evenings. Absolutely no experience required. If you want to know more, drop us a line:

Thank you to our local village hall volunteers

The committee, especially Kat and Jess, would like to express their thanks to the volunteers and committee members from various village halls that have taken the time to meet with them and share their expertise over the last few months. We’ve spent a good few hours being nosey at halls across the county, and have been given some great tips and advice for building our hall from scratch.

Thank you to:

  • Weston under Wetherly Village Hall

  • Farnborough Village Hall

  • Knightcote Village Hall

  • Eathorpe Village Hall

  • Norton Lindsey Village Hall

Our next newsletter

Look out for the next edition and remember to share our Facebook page with your friends and family. Get them to sign up to our mailing list so we can let more people know a new community asset is on its way!

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