First newsletter – FAQs

THVH logo, a black roof outline on green and purple text reading THVH in capitals

Welcome to our first newsletter!

In this month’s edition, we are sharing some answers to your frequently asked questions

Q: I didn’t think we were getting a village hall.

A: While Mulberry Homes are not constructing the hall, they have provided funds to enable us to construct our own hall for the benefit of the whole community. This was a requirement under the Section 106 agreement, as part of the planning permission for the new development. It is not being funded by the council or local residents.

Q: Where is the hall to be built?

A: On land adjacent to the new houses, opposite the school on Falkland Place (CV47 2UD). The land runs alongside the B4100 and is bordered by the main road into the village.

Q: When will building start/finish?

A: Once Mulberry homes finish building the new houses, they will construct the car park and green spaces on the land currently used for their site compound. It is hoped that we can then start building the hall by the end of 2023 and open the hall in the summer of 2024.

Q: Who will own and manage the hall?

A: Temple Herdewyke Village Hall will be a registered charity, that will own and manage the hall. The charity committee is made up of residents from the village and local area.

Q: What can the hall be used for? Who can use it?

A: The hall will be available for hire by local individuals, community groups, businesses and the school, for a small fee. We will also put on events for the community, and will operate a licensed bar. Unfortunately, the terms of the funding agreement mean that a full time shop or bar will not be possible.

Q: How do I get involved?

A: If you have a skill, business or interest that you think would be useful in contributing to the building or ongoing success of the hall, please get in touch. Donations of goods, services, skills or funds are gratefully received. Once the hall is built, we will also be looking for volunteers to help run events.

Q: How can I stay up-to-date with progress on the hall?

A: Sign up to receive our newsletter, like and follow the Facebook page ‘Temple Herdewyke Village Hall’ or email:

Got a question that’s not answered here? Let us know.